Important - for Senior Citizens :- From 1st September 2001 onwards, concession to senior citizens through PRS (Passenger Reservation System) shall be granted only on demand and not by default as at present. The demand for concession shall be made on Reservation Requisition form in the case of reserved tickets. In the case of tickets issued to senior citizens on concession, during journey the concerned passengers are instructed to carry some documentary proof showing their age or date of birth, issued by any Government Institution/Agency/Local Body. like Identity card, Driving License, Passport, Educational certificate, certificate from Local Bodies like Panchayat/Corporation/Municipality, or any other authentic and recognised document. This documentary proof of age should be produced if demanded by some Railway official during the journey. General Conditions :- The Railway Administration reserves seats, berths, compartments, or carriage in accordance with the rules and conditions published in the Coaching Tariff. A passenger seeking reservation of berth or seats should purchase tickets from the Railway Reservation Offices/Authorised Travel Agency only. Advance reservations are made generally up to 60 days in advance for all classes and all trains. The period of advance reservation (ARP) is exclusive of the day of departure of the train. At intermediate stations where the train arrives on the following day, such reservations can be done more than 60 days in advance of date of journey from the intermediate station. ARP is in relation to the date of journey from train originating station. In case of some Inter-city day trains, the ARP is less. An individual can book only up to six passengers on one requisition form provided all passengers are for the same destination and for the same train. Only one requisition form is accepted from a person at one time. However, if onward/return journey are involved, 2 or 3 forms can be accepted for the same passengers. Accommodation will not be reserved without purchase of necessary journey ticket. No reservation of accommodation will be made on provisional basis. When berths are reserved for passengers, the intention is to provide sleeping accommodation between 9 PM to 6 AM. During 6 AM to 9 PM, the passengers concerned, if required make room for other passengers in compartment up to its carrying capacity. Passengers are requested to quote PNR number which is printed on each tickets on the top left hand side for any enquiry or complaint relating to reservations. Reservation ticket issued by the computerised system against pre-bought ticket must be accompanied by the journey tickets on train. Similarly journey cum reservation tickets bearing zero amount are not valid for journey unless accompanied by the valid authority to travel authorising issue of such tickets. Allotment of accommodation is done by the computer as per pre-defined logic. Efforts are made to provide compact accommodation to persons booked under the same PNR on first come first served basis. The Railway Administration will endeavour to provide reserved accommodation but does not guarantee the same and will admit no claim for compensation for inconvenience, loss or extra expense due to such accommodation including carriages, not being provided or reserved carriage not been attached to a particular train. The supply of any particular type of carriage or the provision of a particular berth and seat is also not guaranteed. Departure time printed on the ticket is indicative for the guidance of the passengers. Passengers must ascertain correct timings from the Railway station on the day of journey. Such tickets are printed up to 60 days in advance. Any changes in timing after the issue of ticket can not be advised. While every endeavour is made to advise changes in Time Table by due publicity, Railway Administration shall not be liable for any claim/compensation if a passenger misses a train on this account. TRANSFER/RESALE OF TICKETS PROHIBITED :- Under Section 142 of the Railways ACT, journey tickets including any half of a return ticket and season ticket are not transferable. If any person not being a Railway Servant or an agent authorised in this behalf :
In addition, if the purchaser or holder of transferred ticket travels or attempts to travel therewith, he shall forfeit the ticket which he so purchased or obtained and shall be deemed to be travelling without a proper ticket. PAYMENT THROUGH CREDIT CARDS :- Payment through credit cards for issue of reserved tickets is accepted on some nominated counters of computerised locations in India. In Northern Railway these counters are at IRCA, Reservation Office, New Delhi, Delhi Jn., Sarojini Nagar, Kirti Nagar and Karkadooma and the computerised reservation office, Lucknow . All Master Cards and Visa Cards are accepted. RESERVATION FEE AND SUPPLEMENTARY CHARGES ON SUPERFAST TRAINS :- The reservation fee and supplementary charge on superfast train are as under :-
INDICATION OF BERTH/SEAT NUMBERS :- Passengers with confirmed reservation will be allotted berths at the time of booking and the coach and berth numbers are indicated on the ticket itself, except in case of first class ACC and first class coaches. The compartment/cabin/coupe numbers for first ACC and first class are allotted at the time of chart preparation. RESERVATION AGAINST CANCELLATION (R.A.C.) :- The passengers whose names figure under R.A.C., are provided reserved sitting accommodation initially and are likely to get berths becoming vacant due to last minutes cancellation of reservation of passengers not turning up in time before the departure of the train,. WHEN RESERVATION WORK CEASES :- The requests for reservation at the reservation counters are accepted up to 4 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, after which, the reservation will be done at the current counters at the stations up to one hour before the scheduled departure of the train and thereafter by the Ticket Collector/Conductor on the platform, if vacant berths/seats are available. RESERVATION FROM INTERMEDIATE STATIONS :- (a) Requisition for reservation of berths in all classes from intermediate stations not having computerised reservation facility are entertained on purchase of journey tickets only. Such requisition should be given to the Station Master of the Intermediate station 72 hours before the scheduled departure of the train from the station. Such application shall be sent to the nearest computerised reservation office at the earliest. CANCELLATION OF RESERVATION DUE TO LATE ARRIVAL OF PASSENGER :- If a passenger, for whom a berth or seat has been reserved, does not turn up up to 10 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train, the Railway Administration may cancel the accommodation reserved for him and allot it to the passenger on the RAC list/Waiting list accordingly on priority. CHANGE OF BOARDING POINT :- If a passenger desires to occupy reserved accommodation from any station enroute, he would be permitted to entrain at any intermediate station he chooses irrespective of the distance from the starting station subject to the following conditions :-
ii. Change of reservation in the same class in any train on the same or any subsequent or previous day is permitted before and up to 24 hours the scheduled departure of the train in which the reservation is already made.
iii. If a ticket on which one alteration has been made is presented for cancellation, refund will be allowed after deducting :-
EXCLUSIVE ACCOMMODATION FOR LADIES : One compartment of the lowest class of accommodation is earmarked for ladies in every passenger carrying train. Some berths/Seats in sleeper class / second seats are also earmarked for ladies at the train originating station. Any male passenger found occupying or attempting to occupy such a carriage or compartment shall be liable to be prosecuted apart from being removed from the compartment. Boys under 12 years of age may travel in a ladies compartment with relatives or friends. |
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