Public service of highest standards, even while maintaining a strict fiscal discipline is the aim of South Central Railway. Today, SCR is proud to say that it is probably one of the best, if not the very best, zonal railway in India in terms of financial management. So much so that great plans have been drawn up by SCR in improving passenger amenities, enhancing the infrastructure, and march ahead into the new millennium as an organization of the future.
The Development Plans of Indian Railways are drawn up within the framework of the national Five-Year Plans. The Corporate Objectives of the Railways are aimed to be achieved within the resources made available through the Annual Plans, which consist of borrowings from the Centre and internal surpluses and Leasing of assets etc.
Finance and Accounts Department
The Finance & Accounts Department of SCR is headed by the Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer who is assisted by 5 Heads of Department and 17 Dy Financial Advisors in the headquarters, Senior Divisional Financial Managers in the Divisions and Workshop Accounts Officers in Workshops. The Accounts Department is primarily responsible for:
- Maintenance of the accounts of the Railway.
- Internal check of transactions affecting receipts and expenditure
- Settlement of claims against the Railway
- Tendering advice to the administration in issues involving Railway finances
- Compilation of Accounts
- Compilation of budget and periodical review of expenditure
- Discharging other management accounting functions including reporting of financial data for management, inventory management, Participation in Purchase/contracting decisions and major surveys in accordance with rules and orders.
- Ensuring no financial irregularities in railway transactions.
Finance of South Central Railway
South Central Railway can pride itself as one among the Zones that is economically viable, viz., consistently generating a surplus.
How the Rupee is Earned (RG 07-08)-- How the Rupee is spent (RG 07-08)
The Operating Ratio
The Operating Ratio for 2006-07 (the ratio of total working expenses to earnings) of South Central Railway was 71.8%, which compares favorably with the All India Railway Average Operating Ratio of 78.7%. The Operating Ratio for RG 2007-08 SC Railway is- 67.50% and that of the Indian Railways is 76.3%.
Earnings Profile
As is the trend in all the Indian Zonal Railways, Earnings from Freight Traffic are the main revenues for South Central Railway - of an Earnings of Rs.5745.66 crores for 2006-07, Goods Earnings alone contribute nearly Rs.4045.15 crs.- Passenger Earnings account for the next chunk of Rs.1503.61 crs.- Earnings from Other Coaching and Sundries account for about Rs.196.90 crs.
- - Crs
Working Expenses
This pertains to expenditure on the day-to-day maintenance and operations of the Railway, i.e., establishment in offices, Repairs & Maintenance of Track, Bridges, Locomotives, Carriage and Wagon, Plant & Equipment and Operating Expenses on Crew, Fuel, miscellaneous expenditure and Pensioners liability. More than half of the expenditure is accounted for by Staff Costs (which includes pension liabilities). Expenditure on Fuel, Material and Hire & Lease charges form substantial part of Ordinary Working Expenditure.
From the above, it can be seen that
- Drop in staff strength/Staff Cost during 03-04- is on account of transfer of UBL Division and part of GTL division to SW Rly . (BG 03-04 is inclusive of UBL Division)
- The staff cost was increased from Rs.1068.46 crs in 2001-02 to Rs. 1292.22 Crs in 2007-08(RG).-
- The staff cost indicates an increase year after year due to incremental factor in spite of drop in the number of staff .
- RG of-- 2007-08 indicates an increase in staff cost- from Rs.1171.88 Crs in- 2006-07 to Rs.1292.22 Crs which is on account of- Merger of 50%- DA and incremental factor
Capital Expenditure
The expenditure on -Assets Acquisition- on the Railways is finalized through process of -Works Program- which culminates in the sanction of works through the Annual Budget. Sanctioned works cover both the acquisition of new assets to meet the growing demands of traffic as well as the replacement of the assets, which have outlived their normal expected life.
Capital--Investments Crores
Note: The Rolling Stock is inclusive of Bulk Order in 2001-02 to 2007-08(RG).
Priority in Capital expenditure is normally assigned to works pertaining to Safety like renewal of signaling system etc., and those pertaining to amenities to passengers.
Expenditure on Amenities to passengers is closely monitored for ensuring comfort of passengers. The typical works undertaken in this category are waiting halls, retiring rooms, passenger shelters, high-level platform etc., as well as sophisticated and up-to-date facilities like computerized public announcement systems etc.
- Crores