South Central Railway will impose six hours mega Line Blocks on 5th and 8thAugust, 2011, August, 2011 to facilitate launching of boxes for eliminating Level Crossing No. 52 between Nalgonda and Thipparti stations and Level Crossing No. 36 between Chityala and Srirampuram Stations. In view of the line blocks, the following trains are diverted / rescheduled / cancelled as indicated below:-
A)Trains Rescheduled:
1) Train No.17230 Hyderabad-Tiruvanantapuram Sabari Express is rescheduled to depart Hyderabad at 13 10 hrs insteadof 12 10 hrs on 8thAugust, 2011.
B)Trains Diverted:
1) Train No.17229 Tiruvanantapuram-Hyderabad Sabari Express leaving
Tiruvanantapuram on 4th August, 2011 and 7th August 2011 will be diverted to run via Guntur ,Vijayawada and Kazipet.
2) Train No. 12806 Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam Express leaving Secunderabad on 5th August, 2011 will be diverted to run via Kazipet and Vijayawada .
C)Trains cancelled:
1) Train No. 77673 / 77674 Kacheguda-Miryalguda-Kacheguda Passenger will be partially cancelled between Nalgonda and Miryalgudaon 5th August, 2011.
2) Train No. 77673 / 77674 Kacheguda-Miryalguda-Kacheguda Passenger will
be fully cancelledon 8th August, 2011.
D)Train Regulated:
1) Train No. 57651 Secunderabad-Rapalle Passenger will be regulated suitably
en-route on 5thand 8th August, 2011.
2)Train No. 57652 Rapalle-Secuderabad Passenger will regulated suitably
en-route on 5th August, 2011.