South Central Railway observes ‘ Vigilance Awareness Week’ from 29th October 2012 to 3rd November 2012, as directed by Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi. Theme of this year’s Vigilance Awareness Week is ‘Transparency in Public Procurement’. S.C.Railway Vigilance Branch will organize several programmes during this week to disseminate awareness against corruption and Malpractices by involving Zonal Railway Head Quarters Office , Six Railway Divisions and Five RailwayWorkshops besides a few extra Divisional offices in the entire South Central Railway, having a total strength of nearly one lakh employees.
Vigilance Awareness Week will commence with the employees of all units taking the Integrity pledge on 29th October, 2012, to be honest in discharging their duties and desist from indulging in corrupt practices. At Zonal Head Quarters, this pledge will be administered by Sri G.N.Asthana, General Manager, S.C.Railway.
Later, in the forenoon of the same day, a special programme is being organized in S.C.Railway HQRs, presided over by Sri G.N.Asthana, General Manager, S.C.Railway. Dr.E.Sreedharan, Principal Advisor, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation will deliver the key note address in this programme, on the topic ‘Ethics in Management – Lessons from the Corporate World’.
The team of Vigilance Officers led by Sri. K. Swaminathan, Chief Vigilance Officer from Headquarters will visit Divisional and extra divisional units to hold Workshops on Vigilance Management, wherein Divisional / extra divisional unit Officers and Supervisors will participate. The objective will be on combating Corruption in Railways by awakening the consciousness and increasing the participation of Railway Officers and staff in Vigilance Management so as to wage a united fight against corruption. Thrust will be given to generate public and staff awareness against corruption to enable prompt reporting of any attempt for corrupt practices which they come across and not to be a party or mute witness to malpractices attempted at any level. on this occasion, Vigilance Department has taken steps to popularize the Telephone numbers of Vigilance Branch including a mobile No. 97013 70053 to enable any time contact through SMS/MMS. This is being done by displaying of posters at all Railway staff and Public contact areas.
Display of important Public Information duly updated to reach customers through S.C.Railway Website, is another area of emphasis through this awareness campaign.Integrity is the Secret of my Success - Keynote address by Metro-man Dr. E.Sreedharan on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week.